• How do I get paid?
    Instantly and directly into your account, which you can withdraw anytime. The withdrawal approval takes a few minutes. 
  • How much can I earn?
    Start making an income on GainSocial regardless of how big your audience is. Many new creators to make their money on GainSocial!
  •  I’m not sure if I should use GainSocial or Patreon? What’s the difference?
    GainSocially  is a simpler, lower pressure alternative to Patreon and you can also do so much more with GainSocial. Take donations, crowdfund, sell products and offer commission requests all from one place. You keep more of your money on GainSocial too. 
  • What currencies do you offer?
    You can take payments in SOCIAL Token, but you can save on any currency conversion fees and receive support directly by choosing a base currency of BUSD or BNB.
  • How can I get in touch with you?
    DM us on Twitter or Instagram, or ask us a question through contact page.